Gwinnett County Public Schools will resume in-person instruction for students

On Monday, January 25, Gwinnett County Public Schools will resume in-person instruction for students whose families selected that option.⠀

Families should note that Tuesday, January 26, is a scheduled Digital Learning Day (DLD) for all students. This is the first of four at-home asynchronous learning days this semester that will provide additional planning time for teachers. (Note that students will access lessons in eCLASS but will not have virtual class time with their teachers on these scheduled DLDs.) ⠀

On Tuesday, meals will be available for curbside pick-up at schools, and, the district will deliver meals along all bus routes countywide. Families should expect buses to run their routes from approximately 10:45 a.m. to noon, beginning at the first stops on the route. ⠀
Again, in-person instruction will start again on Monday, January 25, and will be followed by a scheduled digital learning day on Tuesday, January 26. Following this districtwide digital learning day, students will return to their selected instructional preference (in-person or digital) for the remainder of the week.⠀